The Broken Toothbrush

I was at my daughter’s helping out with my three granddaughters while their dad was gone on a business trip. My daughter had recently given birth and she needed just a little help while her hubby was gone. My son called and told me his toothbrush had broken and he needed to buy a new one. No problem, I told him, but suggested he get a better one than the little battery-operated one.

When I got home, at some point I noticed the broken toothbrush lying on the shelf with the toothbrush attachment gone. I turned it on and was surprised that it still worked. I asked my son when he got home from work about it. He said it would turn on, but the head where the toothbrush part was located wouldn’t spin. I thought about that and couldn’t help but make an analogy of life. People are busy with many things. They run around like they know where they are going. The truth is, however, that without Jesus their heads won’t spin because they have no direction in their life. Oh, some will make careers that are considered successful according to the world’s definition of success. They will get married, have a family, and do normal things in their life. But without Jesus, they are lost souls destined for the nothingness of eternity without God.

To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. The Lord works out everything to its proper end—even the wicked for a day of disaster. The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord evil is avoided. When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them. Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.  Proverbs 16:1-9, (New International Version or NIV).

God directs our steps, and this is something I have always found astounding. I often have thought of the many opportunities where I could have done something different than I did. Was it God who directed me to turn away that opportunity and go another way? I always thought it was my decision, and perhaps it was. God nudged me to do what was right, and some of those opportunities were not right for me.

I think about being in Hong Kong and only nineteen. One of the young men attending our Bible study had approached me about singing a song he had written. He had a British elderly man who he wanted me to meet and if I remember right, I did meet him after one of our concerts in the park. They thought I should audition for a local television show that displayed young talent and the young man would accompany me on his guitar while I was singing his song. I thought it would be fun to do, but if we won a spot on the television show, I would have had to stay in Hong Kong until the end of September rather than the end of August. I would not have had a place to live, and I wouldn’t have money either. The young man told me that was no problem, they would help me find somewhere to live. I didn’t think I wanted to do that. I prayed about it and talked to a couple of people who knew Hong Kong well and decided to pass on the opportunity. The young man was very disappointed. In hindsight, I wonder if the British elderly man was a safe person. What if they were trying to lure me into being trafficked or something nefarious like that? Did God direct my steps? I think so and protected me from my innocence and ignorance.

We are God’s children, those of us who follow Jesus, and God wants good things for us. He will direct us to where He wants us to go. If we are rebellious and want to go our own way, he lets us, for a time. The prodigal son parable teaches us that. God does not like proud, arrogant, or defiant people. They will be dealt with in the end. I love that it is God’s job to hand justice to the evil ones and I don’t have to.  If, however, we seek His advice through our prayers, then some doors of opportunities will close while others will open to us. I find comfort in that fact. Life is too hard for me to go it alone, I need Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit to direct me, help me, and keep me from the dangers in this world. We make plans, but we are to make them with God’s purpose for our lives in mind. If you don’t know what your purpose is, then pray about it. An opportunity will come, and you will see the door open. I have seen this in my life. Many times, I have felt that my purpose was nothing more than to be a wife and mother. Yet, here I am, my youngest just turned twenty. I am divorced. I have three beautiful granddaughters. And, I write a blog I would never have thought possible ten years ago. I write novels that come flowing out of me in waves and I certainly never saw that coming! Doors have opened in unexpected places for me, and I have walked through them sometimes with fear and trembling, but always knowing that Jesus walks beside me, if the opportunity isn’t good for me, then God will close the door. He closed the door to remaining married. He closed the door to my becoming a businesswoman. He closed the door to a clinical counseling career. He opened the door to blogging and writing books. Wow! Now, if people will just buy the books, I would be very happy! Yet, I know the time will come when God opens the door to book sales, I am to just keep writing and publishing them. The more I write, the better I become at it, so the time might not be right for me yet!

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing. Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Psalm 37:23-28, (NIV).

Isn’t it a pleasant thought that we make God delighted in our journey through this world? I think of my children and grandchildren. I love seeing where they are going and what they are doing in their lives. Right now, the granddaughters are taking violin lessons. The determination on their faces as they practice is phenomenal. My oldest granddaughter is also taking piano lessons, and this past year began playing the saxophone in her school band. It will be fun to see where music takes these girls. I know how much enjoyment I get watching them and it pleases me to know that God enjoys my journey too.

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them he has set the world. He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness. “It is not by strength that one prevails; 1 Samuel 2:8-9, (NIV).

God loves us, protects us, guides us, and yes, even disciplines us, when we need it. But I don’t want to be an old toothbrush that doesn’t spin its head to clean teeth. I want to know that wherever I go and whatever I am doing is where God has let me wander. Am I successful in the world’s eyes? No! And that’s alright with me, but to people who need a little encouragement, or to learn something new from a blog post or book I’ve written, well! That’s a success, heaven-bound success. And one day, I hope to see you there where we will meet face to face for eternity!

Until next time…Katherine

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